The Winds of Change Archive

What's New?

Most new additions are placed at the bottom of the Archive. The main exceptions are continuing parts of incomplete or previously incomplete stories.

19 June 2011

Another Departure, Bud this time.

10 June 2011

I'm going to have to do something to update this site, I can't put off the work anymore. Apologies to Conna, for taking so long to remove "If Music Be."


Continued rework of the WoC Archive file structure. Added "Stories by Author." Corrected the additional errors kindly pointed out by readers. PS: "Dolphin VR is now "Split Personality, Part 1: Dolphin VR".


A major rework of the WoC Archive file structure. Sorted some stories by order, separated out those in the "Round Robin" series, and cleaned up a lot of html!


Fixed the link to part 2 (Previous Engagements) of Midwinter. Again. My apology.


Changed a number of email adresses. Authors, if you'd like your name or email updated, give me a call!


I have begun adding style sheets. Yeah! Added Vorec's new story," A Sense of Duty, part1and Part 2.Cleaned up Kristopher Schnee's new story," Up from Nowhere ,and several of the recent stories. Fixed the link to Joanne Hunter's Gonna Rain TomorraIf I can get the script to work, I'l bulk modify the rest this month. PS: "Dolphin VR" should be much more readable now-sorry it took so long, WT.


Added Kristopher Schnee's new story," Up from Nowhere.Still must decide what the page format is going to look like....


Fixed the links in WT701's continuation of "Dolphin VR," now retitled "Split Personality, Part 1: Dolphin VR", "Split Personality, Part 2: Making Friends with Myself",and "Split Personality, Part 3: The Party of the Century"


Added WT701's continuation of "Dolphin VR," now retitled "Split Personality, Part 1: Dolphin VR", "Split Personality, Part 2: Making Friends with Myself",and "Split Personality, Part 3: The Party of the Century"


Added Michael Bard's humorous story Pool Pique and part 2 of Midwinter. New email addresses for Joanne Hunter , author of Gonna Rain Tomorra and Curtis Brookes, author of Claw Hill.


Made just enough changes to move the stuff to Added temporary links page Links(Doug's old bookmarks, not updated yet, just didn't want to lose the data.)


Added Sniper, Part 1 of Midwinter, DolphinVR, How To Do It, Mind the Rocking Chairs, Claw Hill, and The Howl and the Pussycat were all added.


Added A World Transformed, Orca Redux, In Dreams, and part one of the stories Shattered States and WarWizards.


Added Chaos Effect, a multi-parter. Also added Fish Tale and A Hot Time in the Old Town.


Added Love in the Air, Part 2 and Part 3 to "Hawk's Story".


Added A Small Disappointment.


The updates page is created, finally. Update notices, with links, will be added as they happen.

All stories © 1996-2003, their respective authors. If you know of a story that's not here -- including yours! -- point me at it by mailing me at: - Otrstf