Lead-in Stories to the Round Robins


By Jon Sleeper. One of the three lead-in stories to The Great Round Robin Experiment.

Scientific Considerations

By Brian Eirik Coe. The second lead-in story to The Great Round Robin Experiment.

Scientific Considerations

A Leader Among Sheep

By Bryan Derksen. The third and last lead-in story to The Great Round Robin Experiment.
A Leader Among Sheep

The Great Round Robin Experiment

By Jon Sleeper, Brian Eirik Coe, and Bryan Derksen. Take three friends, Change them into morphs, give them a few Powers, and mix well. (This story is offsite, and very long, and very good!)
The Great Round Robin Experiment

The Teen Round Robin

By Jon Sleeper, Brian Eirik Coe, Bryan Derksen, Trey McElveen, and Doug Linger. Similar to the first Round Robin, except this follows the viewpoints of five teenagers as they undergo the Change, some nine years after the actual Change Day.
The Teen Round Robin